Applejack – Luna – Caramel
Applejack and Caramel, fellow earth ponies working together at SSA find themselves branded with perfect half moons between their shoulderblades, tho while one is pearl white, the other is a stinging teal.
As one might guess, these two are bonded to the princess of the night, Caramel is both amazed and intimidated by castle live, he is a small and kind earth pony, absolutely dwarfed by his amazonian companions
He tries his best to be the motivation and energy of this trio, often managing to endear himself due to his awkwardness and clumsy ways.
Applejack was first optimistic about the situation, she’d dealt with a lot in her time, and spending a little while with some pony until the problem is fixed didn’t seem that bad, but her mood quickly changed.
As one bonded to the moon she had to leave SSA, Luna of course needing to stay in Canterlot, so both her charges were moved into the castle.
Leaving her home was unnerving and it did not get better from there, realizing that they both carried the moon mark (and feeling the best around Luna) Applejack inquired how they both held the same mark despite everyone being bound to one pony only.
This is when Luna confronts Applejack with the fact that her moon was teal, the power of her magic and the color of Nightmare moon, the darker side of the Princess, powerful enough to alter her very cutiemark, had made it possible for the night princess to gain two bonds.
Being bonded to Nightmare moon was unnvering to say the least, of course it just ment being around Luna but… the implications were harsher.
At this point in time the trio lives together in the castle, Luna herself is quite perturbed that her tainted nightmare self has her own soul bond, tho she very much enjoys the company of the two ponies.
With the general panic and unease of the public it is best to keep composed, both her and her sister do their utmost to keep their heads high in this situation, tho Luna spends a lot of time in her own chambers to wander the dream realms since nightmares are rampant through the new epidemic.
Overview: >>1973086