Based on the Chinese comic panels from: sta.sh/023d7rnmp86u And THAT lovely moment here was how I met your mother!
C’mon, pops!! REALLY??!! The nephew of the Royal Sister of Canterlot??!! THAT overzealous wannabe charmer??!!
You’re one to talk to, little brother…
I guess you could say my old yearbook photo from high school became the face that launched a thousand suitors…
Looks like being best model citizen really DOES run in the family, eh sis??!!
I mean, I’m not usually the one who praises other successful people, but you’ve been consecutively voted best teacher of the month for the past year and a half!!
While I only got cited with 10 restraining orders and 3 sexual harassment lawsuits by my salon co-workers during my past 5 weeks working as a hairstylist, along with my 2 week long probation from my boss…
Well, I didn’t won all the best teacher awards, just for having beautiful looks! This job does involve gaining a deeper understanding the essential needs of every unique student I teach at the school of friendship!
Maybe if you attended Fluttershy’s classes during your probation, you could learn a thing or two about how to properly treat your fellow employees. Think of this as an opportunity to improve your career path with the best sister teacher of the world!
That sounds like a LOVELY idea!! You could spend quality time with your sister, AND maybe make some new friends in Princess Twilight’s wonder school of friendship!
WEEELLLLLL, I would LOVE to, but I got a very important art project that needs—-!!
GREAT!!! I already packed your bags and school supplies for today!! Wishing you a nice trip!!(IMMEDIATELY PUSHES ZEPHYR GENTLY OUTTA THE HOUSE WITH HIS DUFFEL BAG)
WAIT!!! WOHAOHAOAHOAWHOWHOAH!! Pops!! You’re kickin’ me out already???!!
Better get going, little brother!! Class starts within one hour!! You don’t wanna be late for class, do you??!!
BYE, sweetie!! Don’t forget to write back!! I believe you will pass this kindness class, I’m sure of it!!
My, my! I haven’t seen you act so bold like that in my entire life! It must have felt great to put your foot down firmly like that! In fact, I think I’m starting to like the new progressively bold image of you, honey…
You’re not too bad yourself, sweetie! You really did show Zephyr the door in such a rough manner, something that I never seen before! As much as we love our children, we really need a time out on this special anniversary date!
How’s about we take this boldness to the next level in the master bedroom, Mr. Shy?
It’ll be just like old times at your former apartment, only this time, you can call me…Mr. Bold!!
(CUE INTENSE ROMANCE MUSIC)www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HgU3c…
For more Master Q Parodies go to: meiyeezhu.deviantart.com/galle…