_“We carry what we want: songs, storms or news”(С) Eight Winds, eightfaced sylphidoe_Sylphidoes are spirits of wind and air, who travel through skies in inspired flight. They rarely stay in one place like deeryads, wandering with clouds and birds instead, sometimes passing a very long distances in a matter of days and weeks. Those, who get the joy of flight — like peryton-skyrunners or bird pastors — may gain their respect and support by feeling tailwind on their wings. But more than flight sylphidoes like sounds and flavours. Their inharmonic voice come along with howling of blizzard, with whistle of breeze, with roar of storm. Where songs and laughter are shaking the sky, there may be those spirits, willing to hear beautiful melodies. No matter what it shall be: heartwarming lullaby or solemn anthem, mournful ballad or merry shanty — it will please them. Those spirits are also attracter to flavours: flowers, herbs, oils, fragrant food and redolent drinks — this could fit taste of any sylphidoe. The most pleasant sounds and flavours they take for travel to spread them all over the world in their eternal journey.
(c) callingAscetic
Commssion for callingAscetic
Sylphidoe. Part of the “family” with deeryad