Arabus, Lavan, Crunch and Squirk are four powerful elemental spirits that were born in the early days of the world.
Lavan, spirit of fire and heat was born from the molten surface of the young world, he ruled over the earth (or whatever their planet is called)with his lava demons until the crust started to cool down forcing him to hide underground. The place where he went to sleep kept a high volcanic activity and would latter be known as the Dragonlands. He woke up again under the rule of dragon lord Torch and tried to turn the dragonlands into a desert of lava but was defeated by Torch, Catrina, Celestia and Luna by being thrown into the ocean.
From the toxic fumes released by Lavan’s volcanos emerged Arabus, spirit of air and clouds. He created the raptorians and became the master of the atmosphere. When the skies cleared and the air became breathable, he too, went to hide in a cave to wait for beter times. He latter came back and tried to hide the sun but his long sleep had weakened him; he tried to regain his powers by devouring the shadows of ponies which inevitably caught Celestia’s attention who defeated him with the help of the witch Catrina.
When rain fell from the clouds, the world was quickly flooded, giving birth to Squirk king of the abysses and creator of many underwater monstrosities. When the water level started to lower he went to sleep in his city on the ocean floor, waiting for his time to return.
When the global ocean faded away and land started to emerge came the time of Crunch the rockdog, spirit of rock and earth. He ruled over the mountains until he was defeated by the dragon Brimstone who then used his heart to carve the bloodstone scepter as a symbol of his strength and became the first dragon lord, also from the broken remains of his body were born the first diamond dogs.
The four of them worship Grogar and actively try to bring him back to this world as they believe that if he succeed in destroying the world, it will return it to it’s primal state where they will rule once more.
Currently, only Squirk is still alive, the three other were defeated and are now in a dormant state.