Dialogue (Everyone is an adult, not just Sol anymore)
They are on their way to Equestria’s “Grand Galloping Gala”.
<ins>Lady’s side:</ins> Silverstream excitedly says, “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe he invited you out to the Grand Galloping Gala! You look so pretty, Yona.”
Ocellus responds, “Yes, I quite agree with you, Silverstream. This is exciting as this is usually a pony event, yet here we all go.”
“Yeah well, it’s cause we are too cute for the boys to not invite us,’ Smolder says coolly.
Ocellus replies with a giggle, “Like Sol did for Yona, or Gallus did for Silverstream.” winking
Silverstream giggles and blushes. Yona speaks, “Yona friends shush, you make Yona feel butterflies.”
Smolder remarks, “I’m sure that unicorn will make you feel more than that. hehe”.
<ins>Men’s/Stallion’s side:</ins> Sol Bright says bashfully, “Oh my.. how lovely she is..”
Sandbar replies, “You bet she is, and we are trusting an older stallion like you to give her the best time.”
Gallus says, “Our good yak friend deserves the best treatment. Hopefully you can provide it.” nudging Sol with an elbow
Sol responds blushing, “I will do my best.. Don’t you two worry.”
“Don’t worry, we believe you. Like, you’ve known her nearly as long as us,” Sandbar confidently says, “I’m actually more concerned about Gallus here, and Silverstream.”
Gallus replies with a snap, “What’s the matter, Sandie? Silverstream is going to have a blast with the best griffon in town. I mean, you got two ladies to contend with.” glancing at Smolder and Ocellus
Sandbar responds with a nervous blush, “It’s not like that! We’re all just friends… except you and Silverstream, obviously.” Gallus smoothly says, “Sure, sure. Tell that to them ladies.”
Sol Bright confirms, “We better get these ladies to the Gala now. Or else we will miss out!”