NEXT: fav.me/dctaslv
I just wanted to do this xD oh yeah dash wearing a wig ha ha very funny…x3
Blitz: Dash? What are you doing?
Dash: I t-think you have something on your beautifull hoof kisses
Blitz: Your embarresing me, aren’t you?
Dash: Maybe yes, maybe no kisses his hoof
Blitz: blushes You are need to take this dress off Dash, it’s embarresing me…
Dash: I thought you wanted a little “fun” with me grins
Blitz: Um.. Yes, but not if look like a maid! Later, everypony will start laughing at you!
Dash: I don’t care! slaps Blitz
Blitz: Y-your friends are watc-
Dash: *holds Blitz close to her and kisses him
Blitz: blush more
Twilight: I think Rainbow needs to take that wig off!
Rarity: But she looks so cute with it on her head!
Pinkie: bangs open the door WHAT’S GOING ON HERE!
Dusk: gasp Pinkie, uh… We can explain!
Picture take from the episode “Swarm of the Century”(I removed the fly Rainbow Dash was kissing)
Rainbow Blitz and Dusk shine By Trotsworth