It was a rather hot, sunny day in Ponyville, clouds hoovered idly above the small town, Hale Bopp was just making his way back from the farmers market, trotting along the dirt path to his loft in town. He huffed as he pulled the door open, stepping inside, then shutting the door behind him.
The stallion trotted quickly up the stairs to his kitchen, setting the bag he had with him on the counter, stopping when he heard the unmistakable sound of flapping wings, raising an eyebrow, he quickly looked behind himself.
“Hey Hale Bopp!” A voice came from above him, causing the stallion to yelp, he knew right away who the stranger was, “Sun Setter… what are you doing here??” He asked, his tone obviously annoyed.
Sun Setter rolled his eyes, then dropped to the floor, “Oh, you know.. Hangin out, bored, got another 5 hours til I need to head back to Cloudsdale, Spitfire has me on night patrol now.. its gonna suck..”
Hale Bopp blinked idly at the other stallion, the whole while Sun Setter rambling about his plans for the rest of the day, and not once explaining his presence. “Yes, yes, I get it, but what are you DOING here?” Hale Bopp reiterated.
Sun Setter paused in his rant, scoffing and plopping down on the nearby couch, “You wanna hang out?” The padded stallion asked with confidence, idly picking at the tapes of his diaper with his wings. Hale Bopp lowered his shoulders and sighed, “No.. I don’t really feel li-” “Oh come ooonnnn!” Sun Setter interrupted.
Hale Bopp snorted, “No, I really don’t feel like… hanging out today..” Sun Setter frowned at that, perhaps it would take a bit of.. persuasion..
“Arrre you sure..?”
“Positive.” Hale Bopp Retorted.
Sun Setter spread a smirk across his face, “Absolutely positive?” His wings flapping in anticipation, one leg hanging off the couch, supporting himself on the floor.
“Yes, absolutely positive, now, would you please just.. let me get my stuff put away?” The stallion began setting the items he had bought at the market in his cupboards.
Sun Setter hopped from the couch and crinkled to the kitchen counter, eyeing all the items that were being put away. In one motion, he spotted a copper colored vial, picked it up, and soared up towards the ceiling, “Soooo.. if I took this off your hooves would you wanna hang out?” He said, grinning and shaking the vial in his hoof.
Hale Bopp widened his eyes and jumped at the other stallion, causing Sun Setter to quickly move to the right, and Hale Bopp to crash into the couch in front of him, “No! Give that, now!”
Sun Setter saw his opportunity and smirked, “Gotta catch me if you want it baaack~” He teased.
Hale Bopp growled and jumped again, taking flight this time, “Give it!!” He demanded.
Sun Setter quickly shot out the unlocked window he had entered through at lightning speed, Hale Bopp following quickly, “Get back here, dammit!” Yelled Hale Bopp as he chased after the padded pony.
Sun Setter quickly looked back at Hale Bopp, sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry, while stuffing the vial into the back of his padding, Let’s see if you can keep up with a Wonderbolt first, Bopper!”
Sun Setter quickly rolled over in the air and dove down into the trees, Hale Bopp stopping in mid-air, hesitating before following, “For the love of Celestia, quit flying away!!” He yelled after the stallion.
Sun Setter expertly maneuvered through the trees, barely loosing speed as he did, the yells of his best friend quickly fading out behind him, “You doin okay back there, Bopper~?” He teased once more, pulling up quickly and breaking through the tree tops to see Hale Bopp quickly approaching, Sun Setter dodging to the right as he flew past, “Hey! That’s not fair, you were supposed to follow me!!”
Hale Bopp huffed and stopped himself, “Forgive me if I break anymore of your rules, because I really, don’t, CARE!!” He yelled, charging the padded pegasus quickly, Sun Setter again took off, zooming back down towards the pond, trailing his right wing in the water, causing the droplets to fly into Hale Bopp’s face.
The stallion exclaimed and shielded his face instinctually with a wing, quickly feeling himself lose control of his flight path, “ooohhh SHI-” He yelled before plunging into the pond, the pony skipping along the water, finally skidding to a stop on the sand covered beach of the pond with a groan.
Sun Setter quickly descended and landed next to his now waterlogged friend, “Eh..heh.. you okay?” He asked nervously, looking down at the sopping wet mass of pony below him. Hale Bopp grumbled something inaudible and stood up quickly, staring into the other stallion’s eyes.
In one motion, Hale Bopp lifted a hoof, spun Sun Setter around 180 degress, and kicked his padded rear, causing the pegasus to fly back with a grunt, and the vial to fly from his padding, spinning in the air before Hale Bopp caught it.
Sun Setter groaned and lifted his head, eyes spinning, “Okay.. okay, you got your.. thing.. back… and I got to.. hang out with you..” He shook himself and stood up, blinking and checking himself, “Hah! Didn’t feel a thing~” He said, taking to the air again and hoovering, “Soooo.. what’s in that thingy of yours anyways..?”
Hale Bopp shook himself dry and blinked, “Salt. Made me chase you around, for salt.” Sun Setter stifled a laugh, then giggled, “Must’ve been some salt~” He giggled quite a bit more after that.
Hale Bopp rolled his eyes and huffed, “No, I just really don’t appreciate ponies taking my things from me to get me to hang out with them.” He emphasized those last few words. Sun Setter groaned, “But we never hang out anymooorree.. I’ve barely seen you the past week!” He snorted and crossed his hooves.
Hale Bopp scoffed and sighed, “Tell you what.. you don’t steal my ‘precious’ condiments anymore, and I’ll.. hang out with you more often, say.. twice a week.” Sun Setter glanced down at Hale Bopp for a moment, a pouty expression on his face. Hale Bopped sighed, “Three times..?” Sun Setter’s expression quickly changed, “Deal!”
Sun Setter quickly swooped down and bumped his padded rump on top of Hale Bopp’s head before taking back to higher air, “See you later, Bopper!” He called as he zoomed off towards Cloudsdale, Hale Bopp grumbled to himself before taking flight back to Ponyville, now, with new obligations..