Story behind this:
It’s the start of the second yese for the Friendship School, the holidays had come and gone, and the Student 6 returned to the school from their respective kingdoms, however, things were about to get…interesting. Twilight was in the middle of a lesson, when Chancellor Neighsay teleports unannounced into her classroom, looking frightened. Twilight asks what’s wrong, Neighsay explains that he had recently gone to Tartarus to give Cozy Glow a piece of his mind, only to find that her cage, along with Lord Tierk’s was empty! Twilight was shocked by this(as were the Student 6, but not as much as they were about to be) however, Neighsay reveals the worst part of his visit to Tartarus, not only have Cozy Glow and Tierk escaped, but they have freed the number one prisoner in Tartarus, Grogar!
The Student 6(Minus Gallu) are shocked and frightened by this announcement. Grogar is internationally known and feared by many creatures other than ponies. He has had many nicknames. “The Treacherous”, “The Destroyer”, “The Conqueror”, The Necromancer”, ect.
It was a remake or a very old meme I did, I felt it needed an actual art.
If you want a really great picture and want a great price, check her devianart Page out.
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