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UPDATE: Well, after some consideration and suggestion from NavelColt, there will be a sequel because, as NavelColt pointed out, Pharynx wouldn’t be happy with what happened to Thorax so… stay tuned for part 2 (hopefully it’ll be the last part as well with no further sequels xD) but just to be sure – it won’t be the same as in the comments ! also, there was a typo in the latin line someone on reddit pointed out. How lazy of me
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This is Berzie’s canon-fanon misadventure – feat. OC’s: my Berzie, koobikitsune’s Dopple and dSana’s Stainless Key.
Trivia: Berzie and Dopple play the game of jacks in the last but one panel.
The story was written with Middy’s help.
You can find other Berzie’s misadventures in my gallery
MLP and its characters belong to Hasbro. OC’s belong to their respective owners. If you translate or repost, please post it outside of DA, thank you.
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