<del>Will I ever stop creating NG characters</del>
Next in my Dawnverse canon, the MoonBlood family!
This family has been sitting at the back burner for almost a year. BluebloodxMoondancer is not exactly a popular ship, but I like the potential for my story.
Below is some information on this high class Canterlot family of unicorns:
Duke Blueblood
In the high-class society of Equestria, there are two types of wealth among the ponies: those who earned their money through generations (such as Fancy Pants), and those who were born into wealth from ancient bloodlines. Prince Duke Blueblood, officially called, is the only son of one of the few families remaining among the later sub-class. Duke Blueblood, or simply Blueblood, descends from the bloodline of Princess Platinum’s son and Princess Celestia from a political marriage long past. As a descendent of royalty going back for generations, Blueblood grew up enjoying luxurious wealth and a grand status only shared by a select few ponies. However, with this grand status came grander responsibilities: as the only son, he must marry a wealthy mare and produce an heir to continue his ancient bloodline, even at the cost of defying his special talent and true desires. Although Blueblood knew of his familial responsibilities, the white stallion simply did not care to address them right away, instead making due with what he could control such as luxurious parties, expensive purchases, and the occasional company of a mare or three. As the white stallion grew older, his parents saw that their son would never fulfill his duties without force, and so when Blueblood reached his early 30s, the family began searching for a wife for the white stallion. Blueblood’s parents eventually settled on a petite mare named Moondancer, the youngest of an incredibly wealthy publishing family in Canterlot. With no other option, Blueblood agreed to the arraigned marriage, and after a beautiful public ceremony uniting the families, the white stallion fulfilled his obligations through the birth of a son named Sunblast. Having finally obeyed his family and fulfilling his only obligations in life, Blueblood “regained” his freedom. Although the white stallion provided the money for his son’s upbringing, Blueblood left Moondancer and the nannies to raise his son, the white stallion only acknowledging his son when necessary. Outwardly, Blueblood made the public appearances to show he cared for his wife and son; however, internally, Blueblood simply could not feel deep love for his family: his parents never showed any love, so why should he to his own son? As for Moondancer, he only cared enough to say hello at breakfast, ask what her plans were for the day, and crack a smile or two before leaving the house to do whatever he wanted: to Blueblood, his family was simply an obligation only his parents desired. After the birth of his son, Blueblood regressed to his previous carefree ways of lavish parties, expensive retreats, and the company of mares, all behind closed doors as to not tarnish his public image as a family stallion. Blueblood only cared to take a part in his family when grown Sunblast entered the Royal Guard, risking his life and his father’s duty fulfilled. Despite his anger and secret fear for his son’s “betrayal”, Blueblood watched as he joined the guard under Commander Tempest, and then simply continued with his public appearance and his secret affairs. As a father, Blueblood only does enough to maintain a public image and fulfill his familial obligations. Just as his father did for him growing up, Blueblood did not feel he needed to be involved in everything regarding his son: if the heir grew up into a fine stallion, who cared if he himself did the raising or not? Blueblood only takes an interest in his child Sunblast when the stallion defy him.
Fun Facts: – Blueblood is the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of Princess Celestia; however, for the sake of ease in conversation, Blueblood is referred to as “nephew”. As a direct decedent of both Princess Celestia and Princess Platinum, Blueblood has a claim to the Sun Throne if both Princess Celestia and Princess Serena died. – Blueblood’s pompous outwardly attitude (such as that displayed with Rarity at the Grand Galloping Gala) is merely a defense mechanism to shield himself from investing too much into something not worth his while, such as a one-night-stand with a mare. – Blueblood’s special talent is navigation and as a colt Blueblood dreamed of exploring the waters of Equestria and beyond; however, as the only son of a wealthy and ancient family, Blueblood learned to repress his true desires so that he remain “safe” and able to produce an heir. He later tries to do the same to his son Sunblast so he would not join the Royal Guard. – Although publicly shown married to Moondancer, the unicorn couple simply tolerate each other, leaving Blueblood to indulge in his affairs behind his closed doors.
As the youngest of a wealthy unicorn family, Moondancer was not in the spotlight of society, and so devoted her time and energy into her true passion: studying everything and anything. Moondancer used her lavish family trust fund to pay for her research pursuits; however, even with her wealth, superior knowledge, and even her friendly connection to the Princess of Friendship, the petite cream unicorn could never advance her position in academia to her suiting. However, opportunity knocked at her door one day when a wealthier and higher-classed family proposed a marriage between herself and their son Duke Blueblood. Seeing her chance to not only gain the academic positions she wanted but also a chance to not worry about the tedious steps for a relationship in the pursuit of her own heir, Moondancer accepted the proposal, and within a short month after her beautiful wedding, the petite mare became pregnant, then later gave birth to a son named Sunblast. From this birth, Moondancer took control of her family since her husband remained aloof to their family. Moondancer loved her young son, often helping him with homework and reading to him at night; however, she left the other tasks of raising a child to her hired nanny, after all, she had too much to do now that she opened all these new doors for herself. Not long after the birth of her son, Moondancer applied for numerous academic trustees positions and gained them with both her societal and academic positions. Moondancer also used her new status for more philanthropic pursuits such as scholarships and academy additions. All the meanwhile, Moondancer returned home at night to a sleeping child and an absent husband. Publicly, the two unicorns maintained the image of a perfect family through hosting parties and attending art events throughout Canterlot; however, behind closed doors the two unicorns led separate lives indulging in their own sins. It was not that Moondancer did not try to have the fairytale partnership every mare wanted. At first, Moondancer nagged at Blueblood to be more involved in this new married life and threatened public ruin after catching the white stallion with a mare in their home; however, as her home efforts grew more fruitless, Moondancer simply accepted that her marriage was more of convenience than love, and so pushed her feelings aside to properly raise and love their son and maintain her high status among academia. When her son Sunblast told his mother of his intent to join the Royal Guard, Moondancer approved wholeheartedly, knowing this is what he always wanted, while keeping her now enraged husband at bay, ignoring that he never loved anything but his image and obligations fulfilled. When the flames finally cooled, Moondancer simply continued her own path for success, leaving her husband to continue his own life. As a mother, Moondancer is the only warm heart her children remember growing up. Every night, Moondancer read epic tales to her children while holding them close. Moondancer was also always there for everything in her son’s life, all while maintaining high positions on academic boards: Moondancer really was (and is) the mother that could do it all, especially where her husband simply could not be bothered to enjoy his family life.
Fun Facts: – Moondancer holds multiple positions, including as the Head Researcher for and a Trustee for the Canterlot Library & Archives, and Professor of General Magical Studies at Canterlot University. – Moondancer is quite petite, passing the trait on to her son. – Despite her husband’s occasional extramarital affairs, Moondancer does not feel the need to indulge in the same sin. When mares do approach Moondancer about the affairs, regardless of their intentions, Moondancer either provides support or threatens ruin for the mare in question: Moondancer believes in public image just as much as her husband. – Moondancer maintains her friendship with Minuette, Lemon Hearts, TwinkleShine, and Princess Twilight Sparkle.