Citing the fact that they were the first two foals born of Twilight’s egg-splicing spell, Treehugger and Songbird decided early on the introduce Chandelier Swing to Samosa Stripes. Plaid and Saffron are all for the team-up (despite the fact that the latter remains a fretfully overprotective parent), and encourage play dates between the little fillies. Turns out the kids go together like curry and rice, and the pair grow up considering each other sisters of the spell.
Sam’s passion in life is rock and roll, and she boasts a powerhouse voice that you wouldn’t expect to emanate from such a tiny little body. Silent Chandi is happy enough to join her pal in a jam session featuring Saffimama’s good pots and pans, though perhaps it’s fortunate that Chandi is more interested in dancing than drumming!
Chandi is loosely inspired by Maddie Ziegler, but you already figured that out because you’re such a clever tadpole. I never doubted you!
mlp:fim = Hasbro/Faust
It may seem too easy, but is there a song more worthy of belting into a soup ladle?