I promised I’d feature ‘s OC Mountain Sound in the Calendar as part of a Pony art Secret Santa they organized. I had to go a little outside the area of the event but I hope they like it anyway.I had to get one religous one in, so much of British Christmas Music is traditionally miserable so I used one of the only ones I like and accidentally reused a theme from last year.
Credit ListCobalt Quill body by DragonChaser123 www.deviantart.com/dragonchase…
Mountain Sound body by Xebck derpibooru.org/1011984?q=vecto…
Octavia by Korsoo www.deviantart.com/korsoo/art/…
Dinky Hooves by LeapingRiver derpibooru.org/556929
Pipsqueak by CloudyGlow www.deviantart.com/cloudyglow/…
Snips by ParadigmZero www.deviantart.com/paradigm-ze…
Snails by JeatzAxl www.deviantart.com/jeatz-axl/a…
Books by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Lantern by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Horn Effect by MisterAibo www.deviantart.com/misteraibo/…
Cutie mark ink by Hourglass Vectors www.deviantart.com/art/Ink-and…
Cutie mark parchment by TheSharpOne thesharp0ne.deviantart.com/art…
Doorway by BonesWolbach www.deviantart.com/boneswolbac… Background by VectorBrony www.deviantart.com/vector-bron…
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