Welp, looks like it’s about time to leave soonI know that this site was never the best, but I definitely will miss bein able to interact with you guys on here. I was able to find a whole lot of people and friends through this site, and I’m sure the same can be said for you all too!
I was almost at 20k followers, and i was gonna make a post about it thanking you all for supporting me this whole way through, but I’m gonna do that now
From the bottom of my heart, I really do appreciate everything you guys have done for me, be it supporting me through patreon, reblogs, likes, asks, showing up to my streams, all manner of things. I loved being able to draw stuff for you guys, and I’m really sad to see the place I really started drawing on go under.
That being said, I do have other places you’ll be able to find me at
I have my Twitter, a Newgrounds, and a Furaffinity
I’m not gonna stop drawing, and I do intend on doing even more stuff regarding personal projects. I wanna make games, comics, all sorts of things, that I was hoping to show you all on here, but with how things are going I won’t be able to it seems. So, if you want to keep supporting me, and if you wanna keep seeing my art, just follow me on these places, okay?
Thank you all for the years of fun and memories on this site. It was always poorly run, but the people made it all worth it.
I wouldn’t be here without you guys. Thanks, from the bottom of my heart!