I guess you could say that this is “a shadow of things yet to come.“
Previous part:
Next part: Coming soon!
I think instead of “Trixie Vs. Hearth’s Warming Eve’ I should’ve named this series ‘Later: the comic series’.
I promised you last time that things would really start picking up in this installment. I also said I’d explain more about my original idea for Trixie’s parents before Jack Pot showed up on the show. Well my original head canon was that Trixie was born to a pair of very praise happy earth ponies in an earth pony village, and she was mostly self taught when it came to magic. Hence why she has such a high opinion of her mediocre magical skills.
But I believe I still put out a story different from more than 95% percent of most Trixie head canons. Because in this story unlike almost all others, she actually comes from a happy unbroken home.
Like seriously people, why do you all demand Trixie have been a sad filly?! lol.
I know there’s going to be some people who say Jack Pot doesn’t know Trixie exists, but that isnt remotely canon or even implied. As an idea it’s only based almost entirely on a tongue in cheek tweet from Big Jim Miller. Now I’m not against other’s having that as their head canon, but that just simply isnt my Trixie’s origin.
And as for her mother, I figured the best choice for her would be the orange mare that was used in a single, now non-canon, panel from IDW comic #40. She has so many different unofficial names(Showcase, Spectacle, Sunflower etc. (They all start with “S” for some reason) that I decided I wouldnt even bother having somepony call her by her name. Just not worth the headache XD.
I’ve been wanting to have a comic where somepony call Trixie by her full name “Beatrix” for a few years now, so I figured this would probably be the best opportunity I’d get.
And now that I’ve typed enough about Trixie’s parents that I’m far down on the description page so someone isnt likely to accidentally spoil the surprise at the end while the comic is loading.
Yes that is indeed Sombra, he just looks weird without his armor. I tried to get the point across as obviously as possible, but I’m still afraid someone’s not going to recognize him and just see “Dark vampire OC pony”, lol.
Believe it or not, I’m still not halfway through with this year’s TvHWE, there’s a lot more coming in the next few weeks.
I’ve compiled all of the previous years of TvHWE into a single folder and it can be found here: www.deviantart.com/evil-dec0y/…