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(Original upload date: September 28, 2016)
Your eyelids struggle to remain open as you stare into the eyes of such a young handsome stallion, that farm boy’s coils flexing and squeezing around your naked body in pleasing rhythmic motions, tenderly rubbing and grinding his smooth scaled coil up and against your skin, even inch of your body entombed within his inescapable grasp.
Each and every time your exhausted neck droops down, a warm caress of his hand is there to hold you still, to keep you comfy and keep you precisely where you are, waiting patiently for your energy to fade as those vibrant pulsating rings drill deeper into your skull, sending endless waves of pleasure rolling down your spine, arching and writhing up against your scaly prison of muscle, clenching around and stealing your breath inch by inch each moment.
The trees and fields around you grow darker and darker, only the magical spiralling light of the stallions eyes shine through, your head nods once more as his hand strokes through your mane and comforts you, keeping his coils nice and snug as your mind slowly melts into his hooves like jelly.
Darker and deeper, your eyelids start to close as the blood fills up inside of your head, your muscles are so weak, it’d be so easy just to slip into slumber and let the big comfy coils be your new, permanent blanket…
The farm ponies of Appaloosa would certainly have a very cute pony for snuggles tonight~