Now that we’re closer to the holidays, I just wanted to say how much I loved the Best Gift Ever holiday special. Like, it’s easily my favorite episode of Season 8, and it’s not even technically part of the season! All the character interactions, the great musical numbers, the fact that its name and story structure are both throwbacks to the Season 1 finale… I absolutely LOVE this special!
…So much so that a mere ONE episode comic in response to it just isn’t good enough.
Throughout the month of December, I shall be releasing my own personal tribute to this beautiful special in the form of Season 8.5 Holiday Gifts! My goal is one comic for each member of the gift exchange, 7 in total, covering different scenes and scenarios from Best Gift Ever. Let’s start with main character Twilight Sparkle and her puuuuuddiiiiing.
I can absolutely see this being a thing in the Crystal Empire. Crystal ponies tend to get pretty overenthusiastic about things they care about, and Flurry Heart might as well channel her incredible, world destroying abilities into a more creative, if not occasionally concerning, outlet. …Admit it; you’d totally watch this show.
I’m pretty excited to continue this series, and I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer this month! Happy holidays, everypony!