this one took me 5 MONTHS to make… hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor
this was a simple pic at first with just the planet, black hole, and shipping at first but then I just added more and more as I went on being more inspired at a moments notice, I tried to make chrysalis as adorkable as possible giving her pretty eyelashes, nerdy looking glasses, a cute hairpin, and quite nerdy star wars earrings as well as the infinity gauntlet replica… which is also her wedding horseshoe. Strange Quark’s wedding horseshoe is a replica of the one ring of power… the reasoning behind why I made her so nerdy in this pic is because thats the kind of girl I would be into, plus I just adore the concept of chrysalis the baddest changeling out there turning out to just be a lovable nerd who enjoys all the kinds of things I do and just wants somepony to love and cherish her, I also imagine that she only tried world domination because of loneliness…
as for other details of this the hardest things to draw in this pic were the andromeda galaxy(no surprise) I got it as close to real life as I could(I missed a few stars and added some that aren’t even there) I painstakingly put a good number of stars in their correct locations… it took me DAYS. Ralsei was surprisingly difficult to draw as the dark furry texture is a pain… the infinity gauntlet was also hard to draw… the death star wasn’t as hard to draw as you would think… btw the location of toothless in this pic is to the right of the death star and up a little.
the sprites are visible in the dark area left by the reflection of the black hole (they are the red jets emanating from the clouds illuminated by lightning)
the “original species” tag is for the occupants of the spaceship… I will do a picture featuring them eventually so you can see what they look like.. for now their looks will remain a mystery… to you guys
I also feel like I owe you guys an explanation as to why I ship Strange Quark with Chrysalis… it actually started when I realized how much I loved chrysalis as a character and how much I want a relationship… that evolved into a crush on her and of course I knew that Strange Quark’s personality and mind were modeled after my own so I thought “these two might make a good pair” so after making a couple of scenebuilds in gmod I quickly fell in love with the pairing and they have been sweethearts in my fanon ever since… after that though they have gotten a lot more fleshed out in terms of relationship and interaction and I decided to get them married and have kids(I will draw them at some point) then I got the graphics tablet a while ago and I immediately knew I had to do ChryssiQuark pairing pics
also about the black hole I did the redshifting and blueshifting of matter at relativistic speeds pretty well even going into UV and infrared hence why the disk appears to vanish just outside the photon sphere (the white ring around the edge event horizon[black part]) also I hope you like the detail of the small moon caught within the black hole’s roche limit and getting torn to shreds by the tidal forces… also the smearing of stars and the bending of the accretion disk is the lensing effect… gravity bending light to where images appear warped and distorted
also after I drew the death star I realized “you cant draw the death star without it blowing something up for extra effect” so I drew an asteroid then the superlaser beam and then molten cracks int he surface and material being blasted away then BOOM a good representation of the death star blowing something up