Official art for Buck: Legacy card game, illustrated by Secret-Pony, the illustration depicts a Nagapon Worker Hammering away at the Vulkenforge. The card is an Area card that appears in the ’Playing with Fire’ expansion pack.
Nagapon have a caste society, with workers being the least respected members as Nagapon only respect physical strength and battle capabilities. The Nagapon who work in the Vulkanforge mine coal and iron from deep inside the Moonless Mountains, smelting and working the metal into weapons and armour to continue their war with the ponies of Loria.
The Vulkenforge is fuelled by a Smelter Demon – Ka’mor Rahn, captured and sealed inside the slag pit where they dump coals on top of him and shoot him with magic to antagonise the mindless hellbeast to billow up in flame and power the forge’s great flame. If some plucky Adventurers could infiltrate the Forge and free the demon, the Nagapon war machine could be brought to a halt!
Official Buck: Legacy Website
Official Buck: Legacy Twitter
Artist’s DA
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