Neon Flare, Diamond Willow, Noah and Serene all dress up once again in celebration of Nightmare Night.
Another year, another Nightmare Night drawing of my characters! This year I started pretty late, and there was the real fear that I wouldn’t be able to get a drawing completed in time. I didn’t have too much trouble at all deciding my OCs’ costumes though. I wanted to make Neon Flare a bunny, Diamond Willow’s wearing ‘Lare’s Wonderbolt suit, Noah’s wearing his Clint Eastwood-inspired cowboy costume again (he wore it two years ago), and Serene’s a thief; or superhero. The background was tricky, but I didn’t want it to take the attention away from the foreground so I blurred it. I’m pretty happy with how the drawing has turned out though, especially after having not uploaded in so long (art block, lack of motivation).