It’s been some time since I drew the lovely Somnambula, another pony to my liking, and given her appearance in the latest episode, I figured it’d be nice to post a doodle with the hope pone. Enjoy!
<ins>(Original sketch: sta.sh/01oo8xlfhgb2)</ins>
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- Ever since the Pillars escape from the limbo, they have been adapting to modern society of Equestria. Though some ponies are still learning like Rockhoof and Starswirl, the others have been handling their new lifestyles quite nicely. Flash Magnus takes the helm of a drill sergeant for Celestia’s royal guards, Mistmane looks after the crystal gardens of the Crystal Empire, and Meadowbrook provides her healing concoctions to many ponies back at her old home at the swamps. Of course, there was Somnambula, who was pleased to return to her old home named after her as a motivational speaker. It certainly suited her given her more hopeful behavior. That, and with her being a majestic lamia, how could she not resist giving other ponies the satisfaction of relaxing in her coils?
With Somnambula’s soothing voice spreading to the crowd welcoming her services, she tends to ponies who were in need of her hopeful motivation and wisdom. Rockhoof thought it was silly as ponies at his home always knew what to do with themselves, but the pegasus mare didn’t mind the statement. She offers each pony in her sessions a few minutes in her coils, to be massaged and squeezed lovingly in her hold as she gives them the love and care she believes everycreature needs. Ponies were quite lucky to be coiled up by this beautiful lamia, to be spoken to and cooed with her purity and affection, it was something Somnambula appreciated in the end as she sees ponies being more upbeat and lively again. She gives a heavenly smile as the day ends, knowing her positive sways and treatments of relaxation are all helpful to many ponies in her majestic little town.
I tossed in my Sketchy pony into Somny’s coils, ‘cause I also really like the mare, so why not, y’know?
The idea of Somnambula being a motivational speaker and how it was done in the Rockhoof episode I thought was just begging for a version with her as a lamia speaking soothingly and being so relaxed. However, I decided to try something a bit different when making lamia Somny. Not only giving her a snake lower body, but also providing a hood like a cobra since cobras can associate with the desert, it kind of made sense to implement that in. The hood and coil patterns are a slight variation of Somny’s cutie mark, with the white dots being more inside the crescent rather than on the pointy ends.
I like the idea that she doesn’t have the typical hypnosis abilities, she rather uses her soothing charms and coils to ease a pony and help them relax and feel at peace, just to give her something outside the usual standards.
Though if you think this will be the only time you’ll see cobra lamia Somnambula, think again as another doodle is gonna be in the works with the gorgeous pillar mare, with another cute pillar pony to aid her in coiling.
Sketchy Dupe-SnakeyThingy