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This picture is not to be taken seriously, its a parody of those freakin Poohs Adventures videos posters you might have seen on the internet. What is Poohs Adventures you ask? Its when these idiots decide to make a video of an edited film with several unfitting cartoons characters and calling Poohs Adventures of name of edited film. WAT Its the film edited but with added clips from other cartoon to make it seem like the characters are participating in the events of the movie but they fail horribly. Like really, whenever a character says something they didnt say in their clip, they dont even bother dubbing it, they just put in subtitles to make it seem like theyre saying something. I mean really these people also do videos such as Ashs adventures, Sonics adventures, Timon and Pumbaas adventures, Shin Chans Adventures, and even Ronald McDonalds adventures. These crossovers are bigger than Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Cartoon All-stars to the rescue, Super Smash Bros., and even the Imaginationland Trilogy from South Park but not in a good way. So I decided to make a parody poster of this film (Which Maxtaro already did ) and made it a crossover of the most disgusting film of all time, the Human Centipede with Stan Marsh from South Park as the main character. So People stop creating such shitty Poohs Adventures videos and go play outside or something else thats not Poohs Adventures related.
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