Name: Plot Hole
Gender: Male
Parents: Twilight Sparkle/Sunset Shimmer
Info: Plot is by far the most introverted pony you have ever met. He is on the Autism Spectrum, and both of his mothers absolutely adore him and every single facet of his personality. He is a sugary sweet stallion, that’s for sure, even if he struggles to communicate that sometimes.Name: Cherry Sorbet
Gender: Female
Parents: Applejack/Cherry Jubilee
Info: Cherry is a cocky girl! She knows what she’s about, what she’s worth, and she doesn’t let anyone walk over her. Her special talent is making hybrids of different fruits trees! She got her cutie mark when her first successful tree, a cherry/red gala hybrid, bore fruit.Name: Priceless [Sometimes called Mr/Ms/Mx. Pants]
Gender: Genderfluid
Parents: Rarity/Fancy Pants
Info: Priceless always knew they were a bit different as a foal, never deciding on whether to wear ‘filly’ or ‘colt’ clothes, often wearing both at the same time. Same with hobbies. Their parents didn’t push an identity on them, but they made extra sure that Priceless’ tutors also gave some lessons in identity. Priceless knew who they were by the age of 9! Their special talent is appraising valuables/determining their worth. They are a dancer as a hobby, and they have a job at a Canterlot club on weekends!Name: Bubble Wand
Gender: Questioning
Parents: Pinkie Pie/Skystar
Info: Bubble is, as their name would suggest, bubbly. They are easily excited, often seeming to be on a sugar high. That could be partly because they have ADHD. They switch from hobby to hobby without a moments notice, and their mothers are always ready to sweep them up when they’re antsy, stealing them away for some adventure or another. They don’t have a special talent, being part HippogriffName: Big Buck
Gender: Male
Parents: Rainbow Dash/Big Macintosh
Info: Often preferring to go by ‘Buck’, this stallion is…Well, let’s just say, his full name fits. He’s nearly larger than Big Macintosh, and already as strong. He’s a bit slow in movements, but he’s quick witted and he has a love of puns and wordplay. The fact that he’s so large makes people assume he’s a bit daft, so some of his puns only get reactions hours later, when the pony who heard the pun is thinking over the conversation. He is underestimated when it comes to academics, but he’s really rather witty.Name: Vampiric Messager
Gender: Female
Parents: Fluttershy/King Sombra
Info: Vampiric hides behind her mane whenever she can, seeing it as a wall between her and others. She has a few nervous ticks, like flicking the tips of her longest feathers against her cutie mark, twitching her right ear, and swishing her tail. She’s rather good at reasoning when it comes to running a kingdom, often giving little suggestions to her father when she a filly. Sombra would nod and look away, but then falter when he realized just how right her ideas were. She isn’t interested in politics though, and her special talent is breeding, caring for, and discovering different variants of creatures in the Crystal Empire. [However, if Sombra has to run screaming out of a room with a Crystal Manticore on his tail ONE MORE TIME, he will ask her to please keep her work out of the h e c k i n g palace.]Name: Sunrise Spectrum
Gender: Trans-Female
Parents: Twilight Sparkle/Celestia
Info: Sunrise likes books, but she is far from as passionate about them as her bookworm mom [To Twilight’s disappointment]. She understands that learning is important, and she puts aside time to study, but…She would happily swap out reading time for exploring. She loves adventuring, messing around in the Royal Gardens, and climbing way too many trees than she should with other ponies watching. She loves being pampered, but who is she to say no to a romp around the woods? Her special talent is weather! She isn’t powerful enough to change the position of the sun or moon, but she can use her magic to predict weather, use that information to make educated guesses on the effect on ponies’ moods, and her mood can slightly shift the weather, though she hasn’t managed to control that power just yet.Name: Adventurious
Gender: Male
Parents: Applejack/Dr. Cabelleron
Info: Advent isn’t a social butterfly. Or, he has friends, but he isn’t the type to enjoy mingling. He is great at exploring new paths, finding secrets, and getting into nearly fatal trouble (though he always gets out of it, and never tells his mom what happened—No one can handle worried AJ). He is a bit touch averse, jerking back from contact with other ponies. When he was captured by one of his father’s lesser foes and had to escape, that wasn’t all that big of a deal. The worst thing about that situation was how the foe had stroked his muzzle while talking about evil plans.Name: Swishing Sap
Gender: Male, but enjoys feminine things
Parents: Applejack/Rarity
Info: Swish is, to put it delicately, a flaming homosexual. He might admit to taking part in drag, depending on who asks him about it. He’s great at relationship advice, though he rarely takes it himself. His special talent is mane styling, though he’s quite skilled at other areas of grooming, such as fur care, hooficures, extensions, and so many other things. He might seem a bit happy-go-lucky and easy going, but don’t try to walk over him or take advantage. His mom is Applejack, did you really think you could try to corner him, and get out of it without a broken muzzle?Name: Chili Chocolate
Gender: Female/Questioning
Parents: Pinkie Pie/Saffron Masala
Info: Chili is a sweet pony with a lovely laugh, like wind chimes. She can’t tie her mane back as well as she likes to with elastics (it likes to escape), so she uses magic products to keep mane hairs from getting in food, while still allowing it to be loose and free. She’s a bit quiet except for those she thinks of as friends, often blushing and looking away bashfully when there is attention on her. When she does meet with ponies she trusts, she will talk for HOURS with them, laughing and teasing and occasionally flicking her friends on the muzzle as payback for bad jokes. Her special talent is baking, and she is particularly good at combining sweet and savoury flavours.Name: Twister
Gender: Nonbinary
Parents: Rainbow Dash/Tempest Shadow
Info: Twister’s name is filled with just as much double-meaning as their cutie mark. When they ran into the room to show Rainbow their cutie mark, their mom was so excited. A weather talent, how spectacular! Twister had laughed, shaking their head. “No mom”, they said. “This isn’t a raincloud!” Rainbow was confused, until she and Tempest followed Twister to the kitchen. Sure enough, it looked like a twister had ran through it. But no, Twister’s talent was not weather related. Their talent is making cotton candy! They got their cutie mark when they managed to make a stick of multicoloured cotton candy that changes flavours the longer it was in someone’s mouth, each bite tasting of three different flavours. Their method of twisting magic into the candy added to the meaning of their name, which made Tempest quite amused. Tempest had two names, while her child had one that meant two things.Name: Spring Loving
Gender: Genderless/Questioning
Parents: Fluttershy/Twilight Sparkle
Info: Spring is shy, for sure, but not due to social anxiety. They know all the different facets and details required for socializing, but they just…Don’t feel the need to. They could make friends (though they might be a bit formal while trying, due to learning from books), but they prefer to stay close to their moms, rather than make friends with other ponies. They are quite interested in the actual workings of the pony mind, and they got their cutie mark while working out a fight between two foals. Their talent is negotiating, providing therapy, and helping ponies heal. Once they eventually realize they can’t pursue their talent while being alone, they reluctantly began to form relationships with a few select ponies, and they now own a therapy office of their very own.Bases by: TeePew Chaostrical LullabyPrince lorenacarrizo
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