Welp there is one of the Queen herself.
Because Rarity is my favorite and I need excuses to draw her.
Trixie/Rarity – Showmares
-No one know how to put on a show like these two, absolutely stunning and magical, it’s impossible to keep your eyes off of the magician or her gorgeous assistant
Celestia/Rarity – Royal respite
-A Monarchs closest relationship is of course with her chambermaiden and Celestia has taken to Rarity, not letting herself be dressed by anyone else. It’s rare for a goddess to be able to submit, except when your mistress is such a gentle and dedicated seamstress.
Rara/Rarity – Ladies Rara
-Applewhomst ? After loosing her manager Coloratura was more then blessed to find a high society pony ready to both dress and manage her, an absolutely magical duo Rarity makes sure Rara sticks to the things that are important to her.
Rainbow/Rarity – Celeb Power couple
-The element of Loyalty and the Element of Generosity are hailed heroes, as well as an influencial fashion designer and wonderbolt, they work off each other amazingly, flirting on the next level and supporting each others passions at every turn
Frazzle/Rarity – ‘‘I-I don’t need to look good to manage you Miss’‘
- ‘‘Nonsense darling, that pretty of a equine needs to be framed perfectly !’‘ They share not just taste in glasses but also a fascination for beautiful gem arangements and no one makes a filly feel gorgeous like Rarity does
Luna/Rarity – Royal Lullaby
-Nightmaid Rarity, need I say more ? Rarity is fantastic at teaching poise and social grace also, and she wants to be a princes idk man
Ember/Rarity – Dragon vs Princess
-Rarity knows how to woo a Lady, especially one of such high esteem as the Lord of Dragons who is so wonderfully flustered when blushing and insisting she’s not remotely interested in pony courtship behavior
Pinkie/Rarity – Generous Laughter
-Everyone knows that the two Elements of curly hair are the ultimate frontier when it comes to celebrations, balls, parties, receptions you name it they have planned it, they spend their freetime quietly coexisting in the elustrious carousel boutique,were pinkie sways between inspiration and chaotic trouble maker
FlimFlam/Rarity – ‘‘Yes, M’Lady’‘
-No one has a chanse of training these two numbskulls the way Lady Rarity does, it is a waste of talent for these mechanically inclined studs to run around cheating lil old ladies outta their money
Discord/Rarity – Hoping for peace
-She kicks him if he gets too sassy but also defends him from the scrutinizing and judging eyes of the public. Getting to actually drink and let loose is something Rarity learns to enjoy in his company a lot.