The CMC watch the Mane 6 investigate the Timberwolf attack on Sugarcube Corner. When they volunteer to help, Applejack tells them to stay out of it.
After finding out from Sweetie Belle and Lily Moon, that the Timberwolf is a werepony, they try to research, Auntie Eclipse tells them a werepony timberwolf is not possible. But when they go to Zecora, she tells them a werepony timberwolf IS possible “If the magic is strong” and gives them posion to cure it.
The CMC and Lily Moon try to tell the Mane 6 about the Timberwolf, but they don’t listen and Applejack tells them again to stay out of it. So the CMC and Lily Moon search for the werepony and discover it’s Twist.
When Twist turns into a Timberwolf, the CMC and Lily Moon poure the posion on a peppermint and try to feed it to her. But the Mane 6 show up and try capture her, ignoring the CMC and Lily Moon trying to tell them it’s Twist.
With no choice, Sweetie Belle charges at Twist and shoves the peppermint in her mouth, curing her. Afterwards the Mane 6 apologize and promise to listen about thing like this.
The school foals hail Lily Moon as a hero, while the CMC wonder is Amber Moon is responsible for Twist becoming a werepony. And the “Pony” thinks of a way to deal with the CMC.