Name: God Emperor Diablo MC Edge-Overlord Pony The 1st.
Parents: Unknown?
Siblings: Little Sisters, Princess Celestia & Princess Luna.
Significant Other: Wife Queen Chrysalis.
Offspring: Princess Nyx.
Cutie Mark: The Naz-Bol Logo.
Political Goals:
Goal Nr 1. Take back The Alicorn Amulet & over Equestira by any means necessary & rule it with a Diamond Hoof.
Goal Nr 2. Create a new Equestria populated by only Alicorns by selective breeding & weeding out weaker Unicorns, Pegasai & Earth Ponies. Non Magical Unicorns like Rarity, Non Flight Based Pegasai like Fluttershy & Non Strenght Based Erth Ponies like Octavia Melody is going to be sent away on Trains east on a 1 way ticket.
Goal Nr 3. Create Total Lebensraum in the world of Equestria & other worlds like the Human world.
Personal Goals.
Goal 1. Create a sexslave harem containing Queen Chrysalis, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight, Princess Nyx, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Trixie & Moondancer.
Goal 2. Megaspell The Crystal Empire.
Goal 3: Kill Discord & take his power.
Goal 4: Kill the Pillars of Equestria & the Mane-5 + Spike.
Goal 5: Destroy the Tree of Harmony & the Elements.
Backstory: A short story, he got sent to the very bottom Tatarus by the Pillars of Equestria, Celestia, Luna & Discord for being WAY! to edgy, evil & a National Bolshevist, now he out for the mother of all vengeance, his Coagulated Blood forms the crystals the King Sombras kind of ponies are born from.
His Creed is, Hostility Is True Magic.