Rumble has been picked on by Snips and Snails, 2 troublemaking, delinquent colts who go to the Ponyville Schoolhouse. They always been known for bullying and picking on fillies and colts. They even tease and pick on their classmates such as: Shady Daze, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Twist, Tender Taps, Pipsqueak, Featherweight, Silver Spoon, First Base, Button Mash, Archer, Zipporwhill, Train Tracks, Ruby Pinch, Pina Colada, Carrot Crunch, Crackle Pop, Dinky “Doo” Hooves, Chipcutter, Aura, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, Peach Fuzz, Sweetie Belle, and even Rumble. One time when Rumble was walking to school, he was blocked by Snips and Snails. They bullied him and called him names (you really do NOT want to know what names he was called, because some of them are very horrible, sensitive, offensive, hateful, hurtful, and homophobic). Then Sweetie Belle ran and saw what was happening. She then snarled and yelled furiously at the 2 troublemaking colts, defending her boyfriend.