Name: Prince Lionheart
Sex: Male
Parents: Twilight Sparkle & Tempest Shadow
Siblings: Princess Eris, Harmony
Species: Unicorn
Special Talent: Leadership & Motivation
Adult Occupation: Knight
Voice Actor: Evan Peters
Personality: Need a hero? Take this kid. Meet the charming, rather confident son of Twilight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow. An adventurer, this confident colt is the first to run into danger, even if he can’t handle it. He’s stubborn for sure, not okay with making a mistake and often will be the first one to tell you he’s right even if he isn’t. And if he isn’t? He’ll make damn sure he gets it right next time. By over analyzing everything he did wrong. He’s the polar opposite of his sister, Eris, in that he’s optimistic to almost a fault. He’d be the doctor you’d have to yank off the patient who died twenty minutes ago but he’s still trying to save him. He probably should calm down but he can’t help himself, he needs to be at the head of the pack, rushing into danger and discovering new worlds. He’s suspicious of new faces, especially when they get close to his other family members. Everyone is a potential villain in disguise! Unless you’ve got peppermint candy…
Fun Facts:
—Lionheart was created by Discord using the DNA from both girls. Discord thought it was funny to give him a long tail like the unicorns of old, adding his own little flair to Twilight and Tempest’s son. Tempest was not amused in the slightest.
—Lionheart has a sweet tooth when it comes to minty deliciousness. He loves peppermint, spearmint and all treats flavored with those things. So much so that he used to eat toothpaste when he was little, causing Twilight to lose her mind and send him to the hospital where the doctors assured her he’d be fine.
—Lionheart loves to read but don’t try and make him read non-fiction, it puts him to sleep. He’ll read novels like Daring Do though in a second.
—Lionheart wanted to be a pirate for a really long time and often played Pirates with Creme and his other friends. It was only after he read stories about pirates being bad that he stopped and went back to pretending to be knights and saving princesses.
—Lionheart still plays pretend. It’s how he gets through super boring tasks.
Friendships & Relationships:
Mama’s Boy Lionheart is Mommy’s little boy, having a really close relationship with Tempest. She was extremely overprotective of him when he was younger, not even letting Twilight hold him sometimes so he felt rather spoiled by his mummy. Lionheart will gladly spend a day wandering the gardens with his mother or cooking with her in the castle kitchen. In fact he gets slightly prickly when other ponies take up her attention (Twilight excluded.)
Discord Dad Though Discord isn’t really his father, Lionheart treats Discord as ‘fun dad.’ Discord gives him sweets and spoils him, claiming because it’s not his biological child. Lionheart sees Discord as a fun parent even though he does refer to him as Discord like Eris refers to Tempest as Tempest. However he sure does not listen to Discord when he tries to actually get him to do something.
Best Brother Ever (?) Lionheart is the middle child of Twilight’s brood but he acts like he’s the big brother to his younger and older sibling. He’s always trying to get them to get involved in his hair brained schemes. He’s gentle with Harmony and looks up to his big sister Eris despite her being a cranky filly. He wants his siblings to like him so he’ll buy them random gifts. He doesn’t understand why Eris is so grumpy and it genuinely scars him when she lashes out. He gets depressed for days after she has a rage.
Meow Meow Lionheart’s best friend is Creme De La Creme, Rarity’s daughter. The two are super close and always have been, after a young foal Lionheart mistook the filly for a kitten and carried her around for a few hours on his back. Zues has some hair brained heroic schemes that his smarter friend Dela has to bail him out of. There’s something weird going on there and Rarity is positive they’re actually dating. They may not even know themselves.
Whelp revamping my Next-Gen-verse. The movie f’d up my pairings PLUS I felt my universe was a little too massive, with a lot of uneeded side characters I basically created because I had a design itch. So I left my roster a little smaller. Introducing Twilight’s son, Prince Lionheart.