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Ok so here’s the laydown on the characters:
Queen Chrysalis X Queen Cadance X King Shining Armor
1. Philautia (youngest, female)
2. Eros (oldest, male)
3. Guardia Valiante (second youngest, male)
4. Flurry Heart (second oldest, female)
Queen Twilight Sparkle X Queen Fluttershy
1. Evening Star (oldest, female)
2. Yet to be designed (youngest, male)
Rainbow Dash X Rarity
1. Prismatic Cascade (female)
Sugar Belle X Big Mac
1. Red Delicious (oldest, male)
2. Envy (youngest, female)
Applejack X Pinkie Pie
1. Autumn Glory (oldest, male)
2. Angel Rose (adopted; youngest, female)
Sunset Shimmer X Starlight Glimmer X Trixie Lulamoon
1. Sunlit Glory (middle-child, male)
2. Crescent Moon (youngest, male
3. Seafoam (oldest, female)
Discord X Spike
1. Indigo Clutter (female)
Queen Tempest Shadow X Queen Luna
1. Scarlet Dusk (male)
Queen Celestia X King Thorax
1. Gossamer Sunrise (female)
Prince Thorax X Dragon Lord Ember
1. Scarab (male)
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