Crescent carried her brother on her back, rolling her eyes as he bawled in her ear. “You know, for a colt who just hid the whole time, you sure are crying a lot.” She sighed.
“Y-you could have gotten hurt!” He whined for the nth time. Crescent sighed again.
“But I didn’t so don’t worry your scales, lazy butt.” She teased, looking back at the dragon with a smile. “Now stop crying. You’re supposed to be a fierce and ferocious dragon. Be fierce!”
“Don’t wanna.” He sniffled, snuggling closer to her mane. His sisters mane smelled like dirt and sweat but it was comforting. “Fights are bad! Daddy said so. He said I should be nice and help ponies.”
“Fine, then help your big sis by keeping my fight a secret from mom and dad.” She huffed, ignoring his obvious snuggle. Lapis was too affectionate at time. It was weird for her though she wasn’t opposed to it. “If they found out, they’d freak.”
“Can I get gem when we get home?” He asked, his eyes glowing with excitement. Crescent smirked. The little thing was looking for a bribe? That-a-boy!
“I’ll sneak ya 3 if you keep mom, dad and auntie Fleur from finding out about the fight.” She replied, adjusting Lapis on her back. “Hows that?” She asked, despite feeling Lapis’ tail wagging rapidly behind her.
“Really?! You’re the best, Cres!” He cheered, hugging her tighter.
It occurs to me that I haven’t drawn Lapis and Crescent interacting since… a while ago. So here they are having and nice walk home.
Crescent got into another fight with some ponies. While she isn’t good at hand to hand, she is a devious little thing and won by cheating, hence why she is unhurt. Lapis, hating violence, cried nearly the whole way home. While he knows he can’t stop his sister, he still feels the need to tell her that fighting and violence is wrong. But he’s also a kid so… he’s easily distracted.
As for why Cres was fighting: Some ponies were saying stuff about Rarity (basically calling Rarity a cheating ho)and Lapis (calling him a bastard child), Crescent was not going to take that lying down. So she did her best to beat them up.
Note: Lapis and Crescent are both Rarity and Fancy’s children, though only Lapis was born from Rarity. Crescent is a street child she adopted after she tried to mug Rarity.