I am never doing one of these again (she says, currently in the process of doing another).
Anyway! Here is the SugarJack family in all it’s glory, with Raspberry being a little poser in the corner and the twins doing I don’t know what. I don’t think Applejack know what either but she’s torn between amusement and telling them to quit messing around and look nice for the goddamn photo.
In this fine picture, Raspberry Tart :fav.me/dc6cxun: is 19, Blacurrant :fav.me/dc6diov: is 18, Jackfruit :fav.me/dc6dtpq: is 16, and the twins, Freestone Peach :fav.me/dc6gaup: and Damson Jam :fav.me/dc6ghmj: are 10. I have no idea how old AJ and Sugar Belle are here but they’re certainly not young anymore, even if Sugar is one of those people who don’t seem to age…..
Anyway, this was both fun and agonising to draw, hope you all like it