Not all wishes Atamanna makes are terrible for the wisher. in fact a well worded wish can give the wisher exactly what the wisher wants (though Atamanna tends to ignore word lawyers who want to manipulate her power). This however, is not an example of a well said wish, but instead a chance to use her powers to benefit someone… while screwing over someone else. Atamanna cares not what Snips and Snails do with this newfound power, but sees it as an opportunity to spread a little more trouble. Sure, whoever the boys kiss will be made to believe that they love their kisser, but odds are that they would rather be with someone else. When it comes to the “karmic backlash” of Atamanna’s wishes, it’s fine just so long as someone is left worse off by results of the wish. Usually, at least.
For future reference, while this ask is considered NSFW, any wishes or plot related events involving foals will always be safe for work, and will go no further than what is presented here. Both the artist and writer for this project are not fans of foalcon, and do not intend to do anything to sexualize underage characters. We just thought this wish was interesting, and felt that the boys stealing kisses to brainwash fillies into girlfriend-hood was cute.