I did these designs yesterday, at first i only did fluttershy x Twilight but then i moved on and started doing others. So now we have this, there will be another set up in a moment. Not of these exact ships but y’know. Anyway, They are all fifteen points each! and will come with little facts and suggested names
- Fluttershy x Rarity – Open
- Shy
- Loves knitting
prefers bugs as pets
~ Suggested name is Referral threadFluttershy x Rainbow dash – Open
Meek and brutally honest
Weak flier
enjoys modelling
~ Suggested name is Radiant prismFluttershy x Pinkie pie – Open
Quiet and loves to pick things apart
they take after their aunt maud a lot although less monotone
Probably has a pet bat
~ Suggested name is Simple joysFluttershy x Applejack – Open
they have a fondness for pears
Allergic to apples
~ Suggested name is Winter sweetsFluttershy x Twilight – Open
Boisterous and enthusiastic
Nobody knows how they see with mane in their face
Hopeless romantic
~ Suggested name is Blind hope