Have some dragons.Request for kingofcolor
The cover art for my first fic in my Dragonverse series, where every Pony is a Dragon, every Dragon is a Pony, genders are flipped, and the realm is one of neutral Balance rather than fully orderly Harmony or fully chaotic Disharmony. (Fic found here )
From left to right and top to bottom: Lord Lumin Draconis (princess Celestia), Midnight Darkscales (Nightmare Moon) the corrupted Lord Umbra Draconis (Princess Luna), Goody Gumdrops (Pinkie Pie), Prism Slash (Rainbow Dash), Nightfall Sheen (Twilight Sparkle), Wishful Legend (Spike), Extraordinaire (Rarity), Apple Slice (Applejack), and Timidwings (Fluttershy).
The Dragons have tribes, too: The Alicorn counterparts are called Ultima Dragons, the Earth Pony counterparts are called “Nature Dragons”, the Pegasus counterparts are called “Fairy Dragons”, and the Unicorn counterparts are called “Mystic Dragons”. In place of Cutie marks, dragons have “Skill emblems”, which actually go on the flat part at the end of the tail, but I forgive the artist for that error, as well as for forgetting that Slash actually has indigo stripes to go between all his blue and purple stripes, and that Dragonverse dragons change from upright to quasi-bipedal at adolescence due to immense muscle gain on the male upper body and certain… _other_… changes in the female upper body (though still some extra muscle mass), not to quadrupedal. But, nothing’s perfect, and she was willing to let me pay really low, as she needed to practice their technique to stay sharp, and I was nearly broke. So, I might have pointed out all those issues, but i still give it a pass, at least until I can get a replacement or something, which will be a ways down the road, if ever.
(The other tribes have also been renamed, and the Dragons actually have a tiered gender terming system divided among both genders and four age groups per gender. “Drake” isn’t one though, so please don’t call them drakes. “Drakes” are the Sea Pony counterparts).
(Sorry for the absurdly long description. Any further images in the Dragonverse will likely be far less over-detailed in the description. It just takes quite a bit when it comes to introducing a new concept to everyone.)