“This is a huge accomplishment, Dusk! I’m so proud of you!”
Dusk Star beamed with pride as he gripped the letter in his hooves, his mother lovingly nuzzling him. All of his hard work had finally paid off. All those nights of studying and going the extra mile to succeed, all of it had been worth it. And all of Canterlot High would know tonight.
”I have to tell Father!”
Dusk trotted down the castle halls, anticipating his father’s reaction to the news. Galloping into the throne room, Dusk felt like a giddy little colt as his excitement built up.
”Father! I made it! I earned the Royal Sisters’ Honorable Equestrian Award, one of the most prestigious of Canterlot High! The ceremony is tonight-“
”Hey bud! You won the award?” Flash Sentry was fully clothed in royal guard armor, helping his daughter into hers.
”Yes,” Dusk was still cheerful, but his excitement began to dim a little as he realized what his father was up to. “You’ll come to the ceremony…right?”
”Sorry champ,” Flash almost seemed to be faking his regret. “Gal and I have a really important training session to get to today. Learning some really important moves today, right little filly?”
”Right, Daddy!” Galaxy wiggled her way out of Flash’s noogie. She turned to Dusk, “I gotta practice so I can be the best solder ever. Learning to fight bad guys is more important than some boring school award. Don’t you already get a lot of those, big brother?”
”Y-yes…” Dusk tried, but probably failed, to hide his disappointment. “I understand. I’m sure it is important. Have fun.”
”Glad you understand, son. I’ll make the next one, okay?”
“Y-yes, Father.” Dusk smiled and nodded at Flash as he walked out the door with Galaxy. But he knew that Flash wouldn’t make the next one, even after all of the promises he made. He never did…