So, to commorate the near anniversary of a drawing I sometime last year (April or so), as well as one of my favorite ships (Celestia-Sombra/Sombra-Luna) I decided to redo this a piece that, despite it being almost a year old, people still seem to enjoy. Working on this was tiring, but fun, and shows so much improvement from the original. The original, for example, used a stock MLP vector background, while this one has its own hand painted background (Digitally painted anyways). I am MUCH more please with just to begin with.
A kind of nextgen ship/fanart thing featuring Princesses Celestia and Luna, and the mirror world’s King Sombra. In my nextgen universe I ship the three in a polyamorous relationship. One of typical love between Celestia and Sombra and Sombra and Luna, but only of platonic love between the two sisters. Context remains the same. Sombra has in some way done something that triggered a rather hormonal reaction from Luna, whom becomes rather embarrasssed at the ‘immaturity’ of it, in her mind, considering her great age. Sombra finds the whole thing quite amusing, but both he and Celestia afterwards remind and reassure that its normal, even for thousand year-old+ alicorns, at least sometimes. Luna will get over the embarrassment quick enough with the aid of her sister and their shared lover, but she’ll still always have the awkward memory.