Friend is still trying to write a story crossing over MLP and Hellsing. I’ve lost my will to edit. Still love making pictures of her ideas though.
Sombra – Alucard (Originally Nightmare Moon)
Twilight – Seras
Celestia – Integra
Octavia – Walter (Featured)
Luna – Anderson (Originally RD. RIP old picture)
Vinyl – The Captain
Discord – Schrodinger
Everyone is cast but subject to change cough Anderson cough, but these were the more interesting castings.
Notes Relating To Octavia:
The Strings: During the war with Sombra, Octavia became a traveling musician. In order to reduce her weight, she had a pair of gloves crafted with strings she could control the tension on and enchanted to mimic the sound of a cello. She realized later the tension enchantment had a lot more give than she meant for it to have.
The Hair: Vinyl has been turned onto the enemies side. As far as Octavia is concerned she already lost, refusing to accept Vinyl’s betrayal. As such she has grown her hair out and has let it get a little messy, in honor for her friend.
Octavia Playing her new Cello