Next GEN 1
Mrs. shy and Mr. shy - Parents of Fluttershy and Zephyr Brezze
Next GEN 2
Fluttershy x Big Macintosh - Parents of Hay Flower
Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps - Parents of Strong Fly and Fluffy Bird
Big Macintosh X Sugar Belle - Parents of Apple Delicious Cake
Zephry Breeze X Saffron Masal - Parents of Juicy Chocolate
Next GEN 3
Hay Flower - Daughter of Fluttershy x Big Macintosh
Strong Fly - Son of Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps
Fluffy Bird - Daughter of Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps
Apple Delicious Cake - Daughter of Big Macintosh X Sugar Belle
Juicy Chocolate – Son of Zephry Breeze X Saffron Masal
I didn’t added Big Mac’s family because then it would be to big
Base by Nazo-no-Akuma