One sunny day, Steel Stud and Bendy were heading out to get some lunch together. While on their way, Bendy kept trying to illicit a response from the bored grey stallion. He kept trying to crack jokes and tell funny stories but Bendy could only get Steel Stud to react with a “Hmmm”. While they were both distracted by Bendy’s antics, a green pegasus pony flew up behind up and yanked their panties up over their head, leaving both in atomic wedgies. Bendy yelped from the sudden shock of his panties being wedged up his ass but noticed Steel Stud in the same predicament and couldn’t help himself but laugh at the grey stallion with pink panties hooked over his head. Steel Stud only reacted with his trademark bored look while Bendy continued to cry tears of laughter from the sight.
Request for Duelboy12