(Tumblr Link: galeriatesla.tumblr.com/post/1… ) Name: Thomas Tesla (Last name is not his real name which is “Harker”)
Ages: Foal 1 month; YC 6 years; Colt 11 years; YS 19 years; Ghost 24.
Cutie Mark: An blue Gear, which he gained at his first year at RSSM (Royal School of Science and Magic)
Race: Pegasus
Personality: Boring, sarcastic, do a lot of self references, childish at non-serious moments, tunnel vision when reaching his own goals.
Foal: Born from an unknown mare, sent to the Canderlot Orphanage “Rising Sun”, that was the birth of this young colt with unusual large wings.
Young Colt: Still at the Orphanage, the Wonderbolts went to his Orphanage as a stopping point from a charity campaign, teaching Pegasus on how to fly, sadly a Sonic Rainboom scared Tom, making him almost fall to his death after he went a bit too high.
Colt: Tom had received a invitation to join the “Royal School of Science and Magic”, he sadly couldn’t join, since he didn’t had a mom, he didn’t had certain documents to be able to fully apply. Luckily Night Light, a good friend of the Orphanage’s director, take him as his guardian.
Young Stallion: Tom had find some problems in the royal school after 8 years of study and reaching his final year, he found out about Princess Celestia censorship about a certain type of technology, “Ancient runes”. Celestia had
seized all of his hidden papers about the Runes and had put a certain pony to watch over his others researches and works. The Princess wasn’t going to kick the young pony out, she knew how much somepony like him would have such thirsty for knowledge, she would still allow him to keep his privilegies as one of the top students. But Tom still decided to drop out, in disagreement with Celestia’s points of view. He moved to Ponyvile, opened an workshop months before Twilight moved there. Secretly studying Ancient runes.
Ghost: At the Invasion of the Storm King, Tom was turn into stone by Tempest and accidently crushed. Now being stuck in between two helms, Tom now haunts Tempest… Just like Ghost of Nappa… His future faith is still unknown.