The First Gen From left to right Chrysalis and Shining Armor Parents of Elytra Had a one night stand Cadence and Shining Armor Parents of Flurry Heart, Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Half parents of Elytra Aunt and Uncle to Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Married Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Parents of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Aunts to Flurry Heart, Elytra, Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Married Rarity and Spike Parents of Gala Gemstone Aunt and Uncle to Boomerang and Rise-n-Shine Married Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie Parents of Caramel and Cobbler Pinkie kept the custody of Caramel and Cobbler Divorced Skystar and Pinkie Pie Parents of Sugar Cloud Aunts to Gray Married Maud Pie Got a sergeant Mother of Gray Single Mom Mr. and Mrs. Cake Parents of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake Adoptive Parents of Snapshot Married Fluttershy and Pharynx Parents of Mira Aunt and Uncle of Embrax Married Thorax and Ember Parents of Embrax Adoptive parents of Hazel Married Gilda and Garble Biological parents of Hazel Dated and split after pregnancy Applejack and Coloratura Parents of Apple Core and Apple Jamboree Aunts of Pomme Flamme, Robin Flare, and Rise-n-Shine Married Big Macintosh and Troubleshoes Clyde Parents of Pomme Flamme Uncles of Apple Core, Apple Jamboree, Robin Flare, and Rise-n-Shine Married Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle Parents of Robin Flare, Boomerang, and Rise-n-Shine Aunts of Pomme Flamme, Apple Core, Apple Jamboree, and Gala Gemstone. Married (All of them with the others) Babs Seed and Peppermint Twist Parents of Candy Apple Married
Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon · Parents of Platinum Jewel Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer Parents of Goda Spell Sunburst left Starlight One night stand Trixie Lulamoon and Starlight Glimmer Parents of Butterfly Effect Half parents of Goda Spell Married Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry Parents of Rayn Married Zecora and Soarin Skies Parents of Hypnosis Zecora kept custody of Hypnosis Divorced Soarin Skies and Spitfire Parents of Golden Burst Soarin died during this marriage during a storm Widowed (Spitfire) Celestia and Derpy Hooves Parents of Wibbly Wobbly Adoptive Parents of Peace Maker Aunts of Noctis Deum Married Luna and Discord Parents of Noctis Deum Aunt and Uncle of Wibbly Wobbly and Peace Maker Married Fancy Pants and Fluer de lis Parents of Amore Married Sugar Belle and Saffron Masala Parents of Steam Cake Married Capper Dapperpaws and Celeano Parents of Birlia and Ranger Married The Second Gen From left to right Elytra Daughter of Shining Armor and Chrysalis Adopted daughter of Cadence Niece of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Half-sister of Flurry Heart, Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Cousin of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Came to Chrystal Empire at age of 1 Flurry Heart Daughter of Shining Armor and Cadence Niece of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Sister of Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Half-sister of Elytra Cousin of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Lazy Love Daughter of Shining Armor and Cadence Niece of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Sister of Flurry Heart, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Half Sister of Elytra Cousin of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Rainbow Heart Daughter of Shining Armor and Cadence Niece of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Sister of Flurry Heart, Lazy Love, and Royal Regime Half Sister of Elytra Cousin of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Royal Regime Son of Shining Armor and Cadence Nephew of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Brother of Flurry Heart, Lazy Love, and Rainbow Heart Half Brother of Elytra Cousin of Crash Sparkle and Mercy Sparkle Crash Sparkle Son of Twilight Sparkle and Cadence Nephew of Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash Twin Brother of Mercy Sparkle Cousin of Flurry Heart, Elytra, Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Mercy Sparkle Daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash Niece of Shining Armor and Cadence Twin Sister of Mercy Sparkle Cousin of Flurry Heart, Elytra, Lazy Love, Rainbow Heart, and Royal Regime Gala Gemstone Daughter of Rarity and Spike Niece of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle Cousin of Boomerang and Rise-n-Shine Caramel Daughter of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie Adoptive daughter of Skystar Niece of Maud Pie Twin sister of Cobbler Half Sister of Sugar Cloud Cousin of Gray Cobbler Daughter of Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie Adoptive daughter of Skystar Niece of Maud Pie Twin sister of Caramel Half Sister of Sugar Cloud Cousin of Gray Sugar Cloud Son of Pinkie Pie and Skystar Nephew of Maud Pie Half Brother of Caramel and Cobbler Cousin of Gray Gray Child of Maud and a sergeant Nephew/niece of Pinkie Pie and Skystar Cousin of Caramel, Cobbler, and Sugar Cloud Pound Cake Son of Mr. and Mrs. Cake Twin Brother of Pumpkin Cake Adoptive Brother of Snapshot Pumpkin Cake Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cake Twin sister of Pound Cake Adoptive sister of Snapshot Ex Marefriend of Pomme Flamme Snapshot (Adopted by :iconTheBigEaredBat:) Biological parents unknown Adoptive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cake Adoptive sister of Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake Adopted at age 12 Result of a teen pregnancy Mira Daughter of Fluttershy and Pharynx Niece of Ember and Thorax Cousin of Embrax Adoptive cousin of Hazel Embrax Son of Ember and Thorax Nephew of Fluttershy and Pharynx Adoptive brother of Hazel Cousin of Mira Hazel Biological daughter of Gilda and Garble Adoptive daughter of Ember and Thorax Adoptive sister of Embrax Adoptive cousin of Mira Apple Core Son of Applejack and Coloratura Nephew of Big Macintosh, Troubleshoes Clyde, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle Brother of Apple Jamboree Cousin of Pomme Flamme, Robin Flare, and Rise-n-Shine Apple Jamboree Daughter of Applejack and Coloratura Niece of Big Macintosh, Troubleshoes Clyde, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle Sister of Apple Core Cousin of Pomme Flamme, Robin Flare, and Rise-n-Shine Pomme Flamme Son of Big Macintosh and Troubleshoes Clyde Nephew of Applejack, Coloratura, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle Cousin of Apple Core, Apple Jam, Robin Flare, and Rise-n-Shine Ex-Coltfriend of Pumpkin Cake Robin Flare Daughter of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle (Applebloom and Scootaloo biologically) Niece of Big Macintosh, Troubleshoes Clyde, Applejack, and Coloratura Half-sister of Boomerang and Rise-n-Shine Boomerang Son of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle (Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle biologically) Nephew of Big Macintosh, Troubleshoes Clyde, Applejack, and Coloratura · Half-Brother of Robin Flare and Rise-n-Shine Rise-n-Shine · Son of Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle (Applebloom and Sweetie Belle biologically) Niece of Big Macintosh, Troubleshoes Clyde, Applejack, and Coloratura · Half-sister of Robin Flare and Boomerang Candy Apple · Son of Babs Seed and Peppermint Twist Platinum Jewel · Daughter of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon Goda Spell · Daughter of Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer · Adoptive daughter of Trixie Lulamoon · Doesn’t know her father · Half-sister of Butterfly Effect Butterfly Effect · Son of Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon · Half-Brother of Goda Spell Rayn · Daughter of Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry Hypnosis · Son of Zecora and Soarin Skies · Half-Brother of Golden Burst Golden Burst · Son of Soarin Skies and Spitfire · Half-Brother of Hypnosis Peace Maker · Biological Family unknown · Adoptive daughter of Celestia and Derpy Hooves · Adoptive niece of Luna and Discord · Adoptive sister of Wibbly Wobbly · Adoptive cousin of Noctis Deum Wibbly Wobbly · Daughter of Celestia and Derpy Hooves · Niece of Luna and Discord · Adoptive sister of Peace Maker · Cousin of Noctis Deum Noctis Deum · Son of Luna and Discord · Nephew of Celestia and Derpy Hooves · Cousin of Wibbly Wobbly · Adoptive cousin of Peace Maker Amore · Daughter of Fancy Pants and Fluer de lis Steam Cake (Adopted by ) · Daughter of Saffron Masala and Sugar Belle Birlia Dapperclaws · Daughter of Capper Dapperpaws and Celeano · Sister of Ranger Ranger Dapperclaws · Son of Capper Dapperpaws and Celeano · Brother of Birlia Dapperclaws
Bios can be found here storysketch.deviantart.com/gal…
All first gen characters, Flurry Heart, Pound Cake, and pumpkin Cake belong to
All second gen characters (-Flurry, Pound, and Pumpkin) belong to