“Well, hello there, missy!” Angel Dove cooed, strutting towards the yellow earth pony through the Ponyville farmers’ market. He bowed low and gave her a wink. “And who might you be? I’ve never seen such a lovely mare in my days!”
The pony stared back at him blankly, unfazed by Angel’s flirting. “Howdy, there. Name’s Orange Blossom, stranger,” she responded in that smooth, calm voice of hers. She picked up an orange from her market stand and presented it to the bold unicorn. “Care for a sweet orange, fella?
“The only sweet thing that I’m interested in is you,” Angel Dove murmured, leaning forward on the stand and giving her a wide smirk.
Orange Blossom merely blinked in response and quirked her head. “Oh? But I am not for sale, good sir,” she stated.
Angel burst out laughing. “I’m only teasing you!” he giggled. “What a funny girl you are!” He rested the side of his face on his hoof. “And pretty too!”
“Well, thank you kindly,” Blossom replied in a rather monotone voice. “I like your face as well.”
Angel Dove froze. “I-uh…what?” He certainly wasn’t used to mares returning his flirting.
Orange Blossom leaned forward, her eyes narrowed mischievously as she touched her muzzle to his. “In fact, I’d say that you’re downright gorgeous.”
Angel blushed furiously and stammered, “What? I mean—you, uh—huh?”
“Perhaps you could stop by Sweet Apple Acres sometime?” Blossom offered. “I could give you a tour of the farm.” She winked suggestively.
Angel Dove promptly spluttered, which put a small victorious smile on Orange Blossom’s face. She had a feeling that she would like the flashy stallion.
Angel Dove is a massive flirt and is rather flamboyant. However, he tends to become incredibly awkward under pressure. And while he finds Orange Blossom to be attractive, he is rather intimated by her stoic nature.