This started out as another nextgen study but turned into a pastiche of Prettydig’s perils in poignant puppy love!
Dear Prettydig has a huge (possibly mutual) crush on his classmate Sugar Skull. Though he longs to inform the cute candypone of his affectionate intentions, poor Diggsy is far too shy to come right out and say it. So he asks his father Pip for love advice. Hard to tell if Pip honestly doesn’t know what to tell his son (certainly the lady of the house always knew exactly what she wanted), or if his mind is blown by such questions coming from such a young foal, or if said mind is blown by the fact that the more things change, the more they stay the same. So, still confused, Prettydig goes to his best friend Zippersnapper for guidance. Snaps may not have much experience (being Diggsy’s peer) but he certainly has some grandiose ideals on the subject of romance, and he knows a ton of great lovesongs to boot. The flamboyant young pegasus’s courtship moves might be a little outside of Diggsy’s comfort zone. Will our poor shy prettyboy ever figure out a way to express his feelings?
Prettydig is the lavender-furred son of Dinky and Pip. Sugar Skull is the son of Scootaloo and Truffle Shuffle. And Zippersnapper, if you haven’t figured it out, is the son of Zipporwhill and Snips. More on that partnership later!
mlp:fim = Hasbro/Faust
Zippersnapper’s original design courtesy of