“And I heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight,
Hearth’s warming to all and to all a good night…” Cadence finished.
Just before closing the book the tiny foal locked between her hooves yawned and turned over mumbling something in her sleep. Cadence smiled and looked up at her husband who had just finished the cookie he was eating. They both exchanged a look of admiration at both eachother and their newborn.
There was no pony in the entire world that they loved more than each other. Hearth’s Warming eve was the most wonderful time of the year for them. Even as foals they use to wait eagerly for the next morning when they’d get their presents and then show them off telling which one was the best.
This year, of course, their present came early. And it was greater then they ever could have imagined.
The happy guard and princess stood up and took the sleeping infant to bed, then they’d have the rest of their night to themselves.