I just can’t stop with the MLP. I keep getting ideas that I like.
So here we got an overprotective Discord, possibly not used to being a Dad and all.
Soarin decides to blow on Rainbow’s belly for kicks.
Twilight is already trying to bookworm her baby (which he becomes anyways haha).
Rarity is taking her outward appearance too negatively. Probably the swirl of emotions that comes with pregnancy and just being Rarity.
Pinkie and Cheese sleeping together close to the foal’s arrival.
Princess Luna rubbing into Princess Celestia how she has two foals inside her right now (and of all stallions it was Pipsqueak [older]).
Cherry Top is excited and curious to who her new sibling (Raspberry Tart) will be while her mother Cherry Jubilee is carrying them.
And lastly Sugar Belle got into eating a lot during her pregnancy causing her to gain some extra curves that (in this story) stay with her from then on. Big Mac just showing her some concern for his special somepony and foal.