My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic™
Star War Episode VI: Return of the Jedi™
Jabba the Hutt, Big McIntosh, and their girls
Jabba the Hutt – Big McIntosh
Oola – Cheerilee
Yarna d’al’ Gargan – Cleopatra Jazz
Sy Snootles – Fluttershy
Rystáll Sant -Princess Luna
Greeata Jendowanian – Fleetfoot
Lyn Me – Marble Pie
Princess Leia – Sugar Belle
The womanizing crime lord, Jabba the Hutt is played by Big McIntosh, the stallion who fans have shipped with many mares.
Cheerilee gets to play Oola, Jabba’s ex-slave girl, for being Big Mac’s former potential love interest.
As Yarna d’al’ Gargan danced along side Oola, the lovely Cleopatra Jazz will dance along side Cheerilee (to the end).
Fluttershy play Sy Snootles, lead singer of the Max Rebo Band.
The trio of dance girls will be played by fellow suitors: Princess Luna, Fleetfoot, and Marble Pie.
Princess Leia was Jabba’s recent slave girl, and Sugar Belle was Big Mac’s confirmed love interest.