Some special art for special episode. Actually I drew this shortly after seeing the episode’s early airing in Australia. I was really looking foward to finally post it ;)
Right off the bat, this was probably one of the more mature if not the most mature episodein the series. Sure there was a love theme at first and foremost, but other strong themewas lost of those who were close to us and how we can’t reverse time to fix your past wrongs whenthey are gone. Bright Mac and Pear Butter are easy-to-root-for characters, and seeing them interact with eachother as well as other characters around was really good. Grand Pear was also quite interestingcharacter, it was quite touching seeing him in his prime in his feud with Granny Smith, only sowe could see him later on returning to Ponyville, regretting leaving his daughter behind insteadof burying the proverbial hatchet. It was fantastic episode, and yeah, in my personal ranking,so far it’s best episode this season.
Episode ranking so far:
1) The Perfect Pear ( e 13 )
2) Celestial Advice ( ep1 )
3) Parental Glideance ( e7 )
4) Flurry of Emotions ( ep3 )
5) Discordant Harmony ( e12)
6) Honest Apple ( e9 )
7) Not Asking for Trouble ( e11 )
8) Rock Solid Friendship ( ep4 )
9) A Royal Problem ( e 10 )
10) Forever Filly ( ep6 )
11) Fluttershy Leans In ( ep5 )
12) Hard to Say Anything ( e8 )
13) All Bottled Up ( ep2 )