Celestia stared with silent fury at Discord.
She had leapt out of bed at his unexpected entrance and once he had gotten a sufficient laugh out of her fright and shock, he warped out of her bed. He reappeared in the center of her bed chamber sitting in a simple chair that sat beside a small table and another empty chair.
“Leave this place,” was all she could muster after what felt like a lifetime.
“Oh Celestia, relax, I mean you no harm,” the dragonequus replied with grin. “I merely wish to talk. It’s been so long since we’ve had a decent talk.”
“I have nothing to say to you, nor do I care for anything you have to say to me. Now Leave!” Celestia ordered again.
“Still upset about Baltimare? Or about your sister not being by your side? Oh, wait,” Discord grinned maliciously, “Don’t tell me you’re still bitter about that, I mean c’mon. What was that? Twenty-five years ago?”
Celestia didn’t respond and Discord’s question was met with unfettered hatred behind her eyes.
“Oh have it your way, you big baby, but seeing as you cannot make me leave, I will leave you, but only after I say what I have to say. Savvy?”
“Then speak your piece and be gone.”
Discord waved his lion paw over the table, and instantly a chessboard appeared. Once it was in existence, he gestured for Celestia to sit across from him.
“I have no time for games Discord.”
“Oh c’mon, for old times’ sake. Besides you have to play… after all,” Discord grasped a piece from the board and held it up for Celestia to see that he held a black king piece. “I just got myself a new king!”