Name: Sureshot Bolt
Species: Pegasus
Sex: Mare
Age: 31
Talent: Extreme accuracy with ranged weaponry
Sureshot is a mare full of overconfident sass. She loves to loudly run her mouth off about whatever she pleases, always giving her opinion but also pushes aside others who are speaking. She loves to banter and isn’t shy about making instant connections with new ponies. She loves boasting about her accomplishments.
For all her confidence her ego is quite fragile. She is very adaptive to new situations, but she can be left flat-hooved by a few types of surprises. These circumstances will throw her off her game and can even break her quite easily. She depends on others around her to recover from these break downs.
Left alone for too long Surshot gets bored, lonely, and depressed. In that order. She depends on ponies around her to be herself. However this gets complicated as ponies either love her or despise her because of her personality. She can be the life of the party, or lonely shunned wreck.
Sureshot is one of the best shots in Equestria. A master with every type of bow capable of being wielded by ponies, she can hit a target over a mile away. She has experience using every kind of ranged weapon known to ponykind and likes to travel to the Gryphon lands to challenge gryphons to sniper duels.
She has been a member of the Royal Guard’s Long Patrol Division for over a decade, serving in numerous campaigns against hostile creatures, bandits, and other horrors. She has chunks of flesh missing from her body that were shot off in battle against enemy snipers. they ended up with far worse.
Name: Whirlwind Clash
Species: Pegasus
Sex: Stallion
Age: 31
Talent: Sword Dueling
Whirlwind is a quite confident stallion. He typically stays silent in social exchanges unless being talked to directly or asked for his opinion. He enjoys being with other ponies but is just as happy to spend some quite time alone. While he’s not the most chatty pony around he’s willing to lend an ear to anypony who needs it and is willing to give advice without hesitation.
When it comes to Guard related business he has zero tolerance for stupidity from other ponies. He knows that ponies make mistakes every now and then but when somepony just doesn’t exercise common sense or awareness he will berate, insult, and put down that pony until somepony stops him or the pony does what he says. This action is due to him losing friends in the past due to inattentive ponies making stupid mistakes.
Whirlwind is one of the best duelists in Equestria. He’s used nearly every sword and melee weapon ponies are capable of using, but his specialty lies in Wing Bald combat. His fighting style involves a blur of super speedy movements with his wings. Most of these movements do not cause damage but instead disorient his opponent so that he can strike seemingly from nowhere on a weak spot.
He will analyze his situation before taking action, calculating various moves he could make and studying his opponents to determine what fighting style they are using and use an appropriate counter.
He has served for over a decade in the Royal Guard’s Long Patrol Division, serving in many campaigns against threats to Equestria’s safety. During this time he has been in countless duels with numerous creatures. His body is covered everywhere in scars from his battles, with the most severe ones visible through his coat.
Sureshot and Whirlwind have been together for most of their Guard careers. They are a stable couple covering each other’s weakness in combat and in life. Sureshot talks more than enough for both of them in social interactions with others, while Whirlwind is always with Sureshot so she’s never alone. Sureshot acts as counsel for Whirlwind whenever he goes off on another pony for doing something stupid. And both of them cover each other’s backs in the heat of battle.
The two of them work together in perfect tandem, dealing with problems quick and efficiently. However both of them are quite competitive and will try to outdo each other in most activities. They have been rivals for longer than they’ve been lovers, and always have at least one rivalry going on at any one time.