After Apple Bloom helped Tender Taps realize his destiny and earn his cutie mark, the two were good friends. Tender Taps became more outgoing and became the star of just about every dance recital he was in. Apple Bloom was there to see him every time.
When Tender Taps was a teenager, a representative from a major dance studio noticed his talent and immediately asked him to join them. Eager for the opportunity to make a career out of dancing, Tender Taps accepted the request. He signed their contract, and ultimately took his show on the road. This means Apple Bloom saw him less and less. She eventually realized that not all friends stick together, and moved on.
As Tender Taps danced all over Equestria, Apple Bloom lived a happy and simple life in Ponyville. She and her friends helped the next generation of fillies and colts (including her nieces and nephew) discover their destinies and earn their cutie marks. Even though she was happy, Apple Bloom did think of Tender Taps from time to time and wondered how he was doing.
One day, Sapphire Shores came to Ponyville on her tour to debut her newest album. Of course, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo dragged Sweetie Belle to see the show. As she enjoyed the music, Apple Bloom couldn’t help but notice that one of the background dancers looked familiar. Sure enough, it was Tender Taps.
When Apple Bloom talked to him, she noticed that he had changed. He didn’t talk as passionately about dancing as he used to. After a bit of prying from Apple Bloom, he admitted that his contractors have been making him dance only for money and that it wasn’t fun anymore. That’s when Apple Bloom convinced him to quit.
And so he did. Tender Taps severed ties with his manager and moved back to Ponyville. He got a job teaching dance lessons to young foals. Most importantly, he was able to resume his friendship with Apple Bloom. They spent time together catching up on the past and getting to know each other more. Eventually, they even fell in love.
Tender Taps proposed to Apple Bloom in the same dance studio where they had first danced together, and they had a wedding full of fun and dancing. After a couple years of marriage, they decided to start a family. And so, Apple Bloom gave birth to their daughter, Pippin Rose.
Pippin Rose (or Rosie, as everypony called her) was doted upon by her entire family. She enjoyed spending time on the apple orchard with her mother’s family, but her favorite thing to do was dance with her daddy. She took ballet lessons from a young age, and proved to be a naturally graceful dancer. Tender Taps and Apple Bloom were very proud of their daughter.
After a few years of doting on Rosie, Apple Bloom gave birth to her son, Allegro Jazz. He was a very energetic baby and took up a lot of his family’s attention, but they loved him regardless.
Apple Bloom and Tender Taps have been living a fun and enjoyable life with their family ever since.