[Ugh, I can’t think of any good dialogue for this… (bangs head against desk) ARGHHHHH]
This is Witches Brew (the second child of Discord and Zecora) with her secret Bestie, Seaweed. The poor colt is a runaway who has been living in the Everfree for about a week before he met Wendy (his nickname for Witches Brew). After this, Wendy sneaks him food and supplies so he doesn’t die. She also shields his home from predators by casting an illusion over it so predators pass over it. Wendy doesn’t understand why Seaweed is so concerned but likes the attention. She doesn’t have any friends and can’t go to school cause her appearance scares other foals.
Unlike her brother, Witches Brew adores ponies and is very friendly but she has trouble relating to others. She comes off as creepy and weird since she has very little respect for personal space. Seaweed is her only friend and she is very possessive of him. Seaweed is a runaway from Baltamare. His step parents abused him so he ran away from home and ended up in the Everfree. He appreciates Wendy and adores her since she showers him with affection.
…I don’t like this description… It doesn’t sound right but for right now, this is their story. They are under construction so please understand.